Dosha Quiz

(aka prakriti)

How to determine your dosha type

When answering the questions below, go as far back as you can remember, to your youth and early adult years. Seek to identify the characteristics that you were born with, your core constitution. When in doubt, think of someone who has known you very well for a while. What would that person say? Your answers will be compiled automatically to determine your dominant dosha, you can then read up on it.

1. How would you describe your hair?

2. How would you describe your skin?

3. Your complexion undertone:

4. How about your eyes?

5. How would you describe your teeth?

6. How would you describe your physique?

7. Weight-wise:

8. Your elimination pattern:

9. How would you describe your mental activity?

10. How would you describe your physical activity?

11. Emotional states you often experience:

12. Some of your innate qualities:

13. How is your memory?

14. How is your concentration?

15. Common dreams?

16. How is your sleep?

17. How is your speech?

18. Your eating speed?

19. How is your appetite, generally?

20. How is your digestion:

21. Your drive and ambition:

22. You work best:

23. What’s your preferred weather?

24. How do you handle stress?

25. Routines?

26. In my personal relationships, I tend to be:

27. How I (predominantly) express affection:

28. When I’m hurt, I tend to

Click on your dominant dosha (the one with the highest number) below.

Vata: 0
Learn about Vata
Pitta: 0
Learn about Pitta
Kapha: 0
Learn about Kapha